StatHive: Next generation box score analysis

Analyze box scores faster than ever with AI

StatHive is a cutting-edge sports analytics platform that harnesses the power of generative AI to elevate your game analysis. Whether you are an athlete, coach, or sports enthusiast, StatHive empowers you to uncover game-changing insights faster than ever.

Let our AI plugins do the work

Upload an image, spreadsheet or paste the text content of your box
Sit back and watch our plugins go to work

Live Stats AI

Track your team’s stats in real-time. Our AI-powered live stats tracker provides instant answers and valuable insights, helping coaches and athletes make decisions.

BoxScore Recap

Unleash the power of AI to analyze box scores like never before. Get comprehensive game summaries, player analysis, and actionable insights to stay ahead of the game.

Coaching Assistant

Take the guesswork out of training. Receive personalized practice and focus recommendations based on your team's box scores, optimizing your performance on the court.

Player Development Pro

Elevate your players' skills with targeted development plans. Analyze their performance, identify areas for improvement, and unlock their true potential.

Season Snapshot

Get a panoramic view of your team's entire season. Upload an image of your total season stats and receive valuable insights to shape your journey to success.

StatHive Daily

Craft captivating news articles from sports datasets, highlighting key moments. Elevate your sports reporting with data-driven narratives that resonate with your audience.

Smart Halftime Insights

Half-time decisions made easy. Receive real-time adjustments and analysis from your box score, empowering coaches to steer their teams to victory.

StatChat AI

Chat and ask questions about your uploaded box scores and stats. Our AI-powered chatbot provides instant answers and valuable insights, helping coaches and athletes make decisions.


Watch our AI plugins go to work

Pricing Plans



Get started on your sports analytics journey with our Basic Tier, absolutely FREE! Dive into the world of data-driven insights with access to two powerful ai plugins:

Box Score Insights

Live Stats AI

Coaching Assistant AI

Enjoy 5 text analyses per day

Analyze 3 box score image per day to get a deeper understanding of your game data.

Share your analysis public link

Live stat tracking (coming soon)



Upgrade to the Pro Tier and take your sports analytics to the next level! Unlock all the benefits of the Basic Tier, plus these powerful ai plugins and features:

Player Development Pro

Season Snapshot

StatHive Daily

Enjoy 50 text analyses per day with regeneration option.

Analyze up to 15 box score images per day to delve deeper into your game data.



Experience the ultimate sports analytics power with our Enterprise Tier! Get all the features of the Pro Tier, plus an array of ai driven plugins and features:

StatChat AI Bot

Smart Halftime Insights

Access to our most powerful AI analysis (coming soon)

Enjoy a whopping 200 text analyses per day with regeneration option.

Analyze up to 30 box score images per day to uncover the finest details of your game data.

Access new features quicker than any other tier.